The events in Israel may not threaten us directly, but we are affected spiritually.
Residents of Louis Brier and Weinberg, staff, and families – we are all part of a Jewish facility, and fundamental to Judaism, is Israel. While there are many conceptions of Israel and what it signifies, we are all connected to it. The values that guide the care here are the same values that define Israel. The sanctity of human life, the importance of peace, the dignity and respect for each person.
We are saddened, yes, but even beyond that, war makes us question, why? What is the larger purpose, and what is our role in this? Innocent people are killed, held as hostages, and uprooted from their families. Can this possibly make sense? Being part of a Jewish facility, these questions will arise and you might be forced to struggle with the answers; the answers are not simple. However, you are not alone in your confusion and, as Jews have done for thousands of years, we will survive this together.
Talk about your sadness, and ask your questions. Don’t fall back on the easy answers! Dig deeper. Whether you are Jewish or not, this affects us all. This is the time to reveal what it means for Louis Brier Home and Hospital and the Weinberg Residence to be a Jewish Home, our Jewish Home.
Hazzan Rob Menes