Outbreak and Social Visitation Update – Louis Brier Home and Hospital (Vancouver Coastal Health)

Due to the current outbreak status of Louis Brier Home and Hospital, social visits are currently suspended. Essential visits, however, are still allowed.

January 21, 2022

Dear residents and families,

We are writing to notify you that an outbreak of COVID-19 has been declared at Louis Brier Home and
Hospital and Weinberg Residence.

Outbreak control measures have been put in place. This may result in some residents being asked to remain in their rooms, including during mealtimes. You may also notice restrictions to group activities and non-essential services. Essential visits can occur for all residents. These precautions prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses, and are standard approaches already used in care homes during seasonal influenza outbreaks. Further measures for infection control may be directed by Vancouver Coastal Health.

All staff will continue to wear appropriate personal protective equipment in order to protect both residents
and staff at all times. We will be closely monitoring residents and staff for symptoms. Residents and staff who
develop any symptoms, however mild, will receive the testing and care they need. Vaccination coverage with
booster doses is very high in the care homes, and will continue to be offered to any residents who may still
be eligible for further doses.

COVID-19 is a respiratory illness. Symptoms of COVID-19 range from mild to severe. These symptoms may
include fever, cough, fatigue, runny nose, sore throat, temporary loss of taste and/or smell; and sometimes
nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. More severe symptoms can include difficulty breathing or chest pain. While
most people experience mild illness, older adults and people with pre-existing medical conditions are at
higher risk for severe illness.

For further information on COVID-19 visit the Vancouver Coastal Health information page
http://www.vch.ca/covid-19 or call HealthLink BC by dialing 8-1-1.

For families with outstanding questions, requiring emotional support or needing assistance navigating the
healthcare system, please contact the PHC/VCH LTC Family Support Line at 1-844-824-2219 or 604-875-4953.

Please note that the PHC/VCH LTC Family Support Line cannot provide specific resident status reports. For
information regarding the status of a resident at Louis Brier or Weinberg, please email info@louisbrier.com
or call 604 261 9376 and ask to speak to the CNL or nurse in charge.

Dr. Michael Schwandt
Medical Health Officer
Vancouver Coastal Health

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