Clinical & Interdisciplinary Services


The Rehabilitation team consists of 1.3 Physiotherapists, 1 Occupational Therapist and 4 Rehabilitation Assistants onsite at LBHH. The goals of Rehab Therapy in long-term care are to assist you in maintaining your strength, function, and quality of life, to reduce risk of injury from falls and to maintain your skin integrity.

Helping You Perform Your Best

You will be assessed by the Rehab therapists upon admission to Louis Brier Home & Hospital. This assessment includes evaluation of physical function and mobility, ability to do activities of daily living, cognitive ability, falls risk and condition of skin. After an assessment, you are encouraged to attend various exercise programmes that suit your needs.

The Rehab team offers group mobility and strengthening programmes, walking programmes, activities of daily living (ADL) maintenance, cognitive assessment/stimulation, seating and support surface assessments, wound management, falls management, wheelchair assessments, and short term 1:1 rehabilitation following hospitalization if required.

The Rehab therapists continually assess and adjust care plans in response to any changes that may occur in your functional level. The Rehab therapists will also make recommendations regarding assistive devices, falls prevention equipment, mobility aids, and seating systems that will benefit you in terms of function, comfort, and safety. The Rehab therapists may provide advice on appropriate furniture and room environment to ensure your safety and the safety of staff.

Our Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapists are available to discuss any concerns about rehabilitation with you and your family.

Rehab Schedule (Updated December 2022)

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