


The LiveAssist Check-In Assistant is a seamlessly integrated solution that automates the flow of a ‘safe’ check-in for staff, visitors, third-party caregivers, and contractors, as they enter the building.

In January 2021, Louis Brier soft-launched the LiveAssist Check-In Assistant screening prototype. Key members of staff received training to use the system, identify any issues, and provide feedback on the application to ensure that it is running smoothly before its official launch in March 2021.

The LiveAssist Check-In Assistant allows us to protect our employees, residents and visitors. The unit screens people for temperature and facemasks, and asks a series of programmed triage or compliance questions for added security.

What to Expect with LiveAssist Check-In Assistant:

  • Upon arrival, and after applying hand sanitizer, the kiosk will dispense PPE (facemasks).
  • Each employee and visitor is required to complete a pre-screen questionnaire. This can be done online prior to arriving at the building, or at the kiosk in the entrance upon arrival.
  • The face recognition device will take your temperature and identify that the visitor is wearing a facemask. Individuals will not be permitted to the visitor unless they are wearing a facemask.
  • The system will also display the occupancy levels in the building, as well as signage and messaging specific to LBHH.

Additional information can be found here.

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